Title: Mosaic glass
Medium: Mosaic glass
Dimensions: 10 X 10 inches (Hexagon)
Price: $325
About the Artwork:
I paint with glass recycled from the garbage scraps my students dump on the floors and in the garbage bins. This little piece was made of the disappearing bumble bee of Utah which is struggling in our state right now to survive. These fluffy guys are so gentle and necessary yet are often overlooked when compared to the honey bee. I have spent many a summer with a little bumble crawling on me with no fear of being stung or hurt while they go about their work pollinating. Save our Utah Bumbles!
About the Artist:
I am a high school art teacher by day, professional artist by night. These two worlds both exhaust me yet I cannot resist having a foot in each and overworking myself trying to keep up. I love to paint both in oils and glass with all the glass I use found on the floor and garbage leftover from the student projects.